Monday, November 8, 2010

Crazy Times!

When I say the last week has been full of crazy, I mean it! There were obviously no posts from me last week, I was busy putting together my Visual Merchandising project, which took up all of my time.
But I will now attempt to do a quick recap of things you might have missed:
First, we missed Halloween, where I made a costume for the little sister. She went as Super Glue. I did not dress up...

Next, I went to Voodoo fest and saw Muse and Weezer. It was an interesting trip getting there but once there, it was AWESOME!

The next big thing that over took my life, the Visual Merchandising project. Where we created our own window displays.
We spent many long hours working... 
Obviously, we didn't go with my design, but my group and I were very happy with the end results.  The writing on the window says:
A Sure Bet
Oh and my nails have been naked for over a week, hopefully I will get some time tomorrow to finally paint them so we can have a Nail Polish of the Week this week.  I am between redoing Envy from Ulta or finding a completely different color from something I've already done.  Let me know what you think in the comments! 


Hannah said...

Awwwwww super glue. :)

Sarah said...

Your display looks really good! I'm glad I finally got to see the end product and see why you disappeared from existence for that week.

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